2016/06/10 22:56 [競賽]大二SOAP下週競賽組別名單


Section A (Kevin) 
TOPIC: What Effects on the ......of Mass Traffice in Taipei & New Taipei City

Section B (Frances)
TOPIC: Ubike at FJU

Section C (Yi-Hsuan) 
TOPIC: Whole New World of Pre-College Internship

Section D (Ethan) 
TOPIC: When in Rome, Do as the Romans Do -- How Starbucks Stand Prosperity in Taiwan

Section E (Ann) 
TOPIC: Foreign Students' Preferences for Taiwanese Cusines

每組請準備15-18 分鐘的報告上台比賽,請同學也根據本週一( 6/6)的建議稍作調整
